02 Apr Easter Egg Decoration Competition – Home Edition
In the run up to the Easter our thoughts are often turning to eggs! Sadly, we can’t have our usual egg decorating competition at school this year, but we can still create some fantastic and beautiful designs. All you need to do is use paper or cardboard (the inside of a cereal packet is fine) and draw an egg. You can practise the shape by using the template below.
You can cut out the egg and use a variety of materials to decorate it. You might want to use paint, crayons, pens to colour first and then stick on coloured paper, fabric, feathers (anything you fancy!) to make you decoration look fabulous.
You can make your egg beautiful or funny, create a teacher, rock star, artist, footballer or anything you like! Let your imagination run free! Please do take a picture of your creation and email it to eggs@coleridgeprimary.net and we can show them on the website in a Remote Easter Egg Exhibition.