20 Jul Farewell Year 6
Over the last couple of weeks, members of the governing body and myself have been evaluating where we are as a school and where we want to try and go in the next 5 years. As part of this evaluation we have been analysing the results from attainment tests, behaviour records, and responses from pupil and parent questionnaires. Though this data has been incredibly interesting and informative, it can only tell you so much.
On 18th July, we had our leaver’s assembly to say goodbye to our current Year 6 children. They sang, performed and spoke eloquently about their highlights and memories of their time at Coleridge. During this assembly, I realised that our current Year 6 are perhaps the best indicator of how well we are doing as a school. Their confidence, enthusiasm and readiness were all things which would have been impossible to capture in data, but were obvious in the demeanours of the children on the stage. I felt immensely proud of them as individuals, and of us as a school.
I would like to share a few of their memories with you:
“I’m going to miss Coleridge so much, I will remember this place as more than just a school, it is a home too. All of my teachers have been fun and care for everyone. I’m very sad to leave, but I leave knowing that all the children in the school are very lucky to have the teachers that they do.”
“I can’t believe we are the end of Year 6. It’s going to be weird walking to school every day when I don’t walk through the gates of Coleridge, and have to walk through the gates of a strange a new school. Coleridge is like my second family, the teachers and all the staff have helped me to become the person I am today. There are so many amazing opportunities here, which I would not have had if I had gone to a different school. The school play is an example of one of these opportunities; every single child plays their part in making the play the success that it is. It may be acting, singing, dancing making props or playing an instrument. Coleridge goes the extra mile to make sure everybody is a part of something that makes its children feel so happy.”
“I have learnt so much at Coleridge, not just in maths and english. I have learnt how to be kind, respectful and caring to those around me, and I know I can achieve anything I put my heart to. I grew up at Coleridge and have had the best times of my life here. It is going to be so hard to say goodbye on Friday.”
“I have been at Coleridge for 8 years and have enjoyed almost every minute of my time here. Coleridge has taught me so much, from how to throw a ball to how to be resilient enough to sit maths tests. I’d like to say a huge thank you to all the teachers for putting up with me and giving me the best time of my life.”
Saying goodbye to Year 6 is a real landmark in the life of a school. However, as sad as it is that they are leaving us, I take great pride and comfort in the knowledge that they are all ready for the next stage in their education and lives, and I have no doubt that they will all go on to achieve many great things. At the leaving assembly, I also thanked the children and their families for all that they have given to the school during their time with us, they have all played a part in making Coleridge the truly amazing school that it is.
Thanks to all the parent body for another great year!