The school maintains this website aimed at providing a range of information including:
- School details such as name, postal address and telephone number
- The school’s ethos and values
- Admissions arrangements (link to Local Authority)
- Pupil Premium funding and spending (including PE and Sports Grant)
- Curriculum content for each academic year
- School policies (including Behaviour, Charging, Special Educational Needs, Accessibility Plan)
- School performance (links to Ofsted reports and the DfE’s achievement and attainment performance data)
- Class news and information
- Information about the Governing Body
- Minutes from Governor Meetings
- Coleridge Families details
- Forthcoming school dates and the notification of key events
Anyone wishing to request further information about the school should contact the office at to be given relevant documentation, depending on the request.
If you wish to request a copy of any personal information we hold on file for you or your child, please see our Data Protection page.