“Welcome to Coleridge Primary School. We hope that you, your child and your family will be very happy during your time with us. I know from experience that children very much come to see Coleridge as a second home and settle into school life very quickly. We work extremely hard to ensure this.”
Leon Choueke
Useful Information
Things To Do When Joining
- See, and subscribe to, the School Calendar
- Sign up for Parent Hub, where you will receive messages from the school office and your child’s teacher(s).
- Sign up for Arbor Parent Portal, where you will manage all payments for things like events and trips
- Sign up to receive newsletters from our parents association, Coleridge Families
- Get more involved with Coleridge Families by volunteering or sharing your skills – email coleridgefamilies@gmail.com
- Meet (or sign-up to be) a parent Class Rep – email coleridgefamilies@gmail.com
- Follow the school’s social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- Read our parental Code of Conduct
- Sign your child up for one of the school’s many clubs and activities
- Remember to label your child’s clothes, bags and water bottles with their name! Mountains of items are lost every term. You can purchase name labels from www.stikins.co.uk – quote code 4779 and Coleridge Families get 30% commission.
- Check your child’s Free School Meal eligibility. This is very important, as the school gets extra funding for every eligible FSM child registered, which is more we can spend on their education. Even if you your child gets their meal for free as part of one of the universal school meal programs, it’s still very important to check eligibility and register, so that the school receives this additional funding.