School Meals
We encourage children and parents to subscribe to school meals so that children can share a nutritious lunchtime experience with their peers. A weekly menu is displayed on the notice board in the office and in the junior hall.
Click here to see our Main Menu and our Salad Menu.
Special diets can be catered for, and drinking water is always available.
For Reception and Years 1 and 2, school meals are free. For Years 3 to 6, school meals are also currently free for the school year 2024/25. Please let the school office know by email if you wish to switch between school meals and packed lunch.

Packed Lunches
Children may bring their own packed lunch from home, which should be brought in a suitable container and should not include chocolate bars, sweets or canned drinks.
At Coleridge, we are aware that there are a number of children who suffer from allergies and we seek to ensure that all members of the school community are aware of the risks associated with some allergies and that steps are taken to avoid those risks. We ask parents not to give their children sandwiches or anything else in their packed lunch that contain nuts.
If children change from school dinners to packed lunch, or vice versa, we ask that parents inform the school office.
School Milk
School milk is provided for free to all children under the age of 5 years. Subsidised milk is available for all children up to the age of 11 years, and can be ordered through our school milk provider, Cool Milk. For more information view the school milk flyer, and to order for children 5+, visit