Ethos and Vision

Coleridge Vision Statement

Mission – Learners for Life

At Coleridge, we value children’s happiness and emotional wellbeing above all else. We make education fun and work hard to create firm foundations for lifelong learning. Every day, we help children to enjoy the present, and anticipate the future, with enthusiasm and confidence.

The Coleridge Core Values

At Coleridge we teach and encourage our school community to be:

Caring – Nurturing mental, physical, and emotional health

Therefore we:

  • Encourage children to be responsible, respectful and active citizens
  • Ensure safeguarding and promote emotional wellbeing of children parents/carers and staff
  • Support children to develop, build, and maintain positive relationships
  • Teach children to understand the impact of their behaviour on others
  • Foster a listening culture where children, staff, parents and carers feel heard

Creative – Using curiosity and imagination to solve problems and create new ideas

Therefore we:

  • Nurture children’s curiosity and critical thinking in their approaches to learning
  • Provide a wide-ranging curriculum which actively inspires and engages all children
  • Ensure creative, innovative approaches to teaching and learning
  • Encourage children to find their own solutions to problems
  • Developing a passion and interest in the arts

Inclusive – Embracing diversity, promoting inclusivity, and celebrating individuality

Therefore we: 

  • Teach children to appreciate, respect and understand diversity
  • Ensure school systems and policies treats everyone equitably and fairly
  • Embed opportunities into the school curriculum about the diverse world in which we live
  • Help children speak out against bullying, prejudice and discrimination
  • Commit to being an actively anti-racist school

Aspirational – Having high expectations for everyone to be the best that they can be

Therefore we:

  • Inspire all children to make excellent progress irrespective of their starting points
  • Create positive attitudes to learning, working, and playing together
  • Engage parents/carers to feel connected to their child’s education
  • Encourage all children to discover their own interests and talents
  • Provide high quality professional development for staff

Resilient – Successfully adapting to challenge

Therefore we:

  • Develop inner strength to bounce back from adversity
  • Cultivate a growth mindset where children see challenges as opportunities for growth
  • Help children understand the value of effort as well as achievement
  • Encourage children to be flexible and open to different and new ideas
  • Inspire children to be independent learners

Why each of our Core Values are important


Learning to nurture mental, physical, and emotional health is important because:

  • Mental and emotional health are closely linked to academic performance. Children who are mentally and emotionally healthy are better able to concentrate, learn, and succeed in school.
  • When children learn to take care of their mental, physical, and emotional health, they are more likely to experience overall well-being. This includes feeling happier, more satisfied with life, and having better relationships with others.
  • Teaching children to nurture their health equips them with the skills needed to cope with challenges and setbacks. They develop resilience, which enables them to bounce back from difficult situations and continue to thrive.
  • Instilling healthy habits early in life sets the foundation for a lifetime of well-being. When children learn to prioritise activities such as exercise, proper nutrition, relaxation, and emotional expression, they are more likely to maintain these habits into adulthood.
  • Taking care of mental, physical, and emotional health during childhood can have long-term benefits. It can reduce the risk of developing chronic health conditions later in life.
  • Nurturing one’s own mental, physical, and emotional health also fosters empathy and compassion towards others. Children who understand the importance of self-care are more likely to recognise the needs of others and offer support and kindness.
  • Learning to manage stress and prioritise self-care can help children avoid the negative effects of chronic stress. This includes improved mood, better sleep, and a lower risk of stress-related health problems.

Teaching children to nurture their mental, physical, and emotional health is essential for their overall development, happiness, and success in life. It equips them with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges and thrive in all areas.


Encouraging children to be curious and imaginative when solving problems and generate new ideas is crucial because:

  • It enables children to develop critical thinking skills. They learn to question, analyse, and evaluate information, leading to more informed decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
  • Curiosity and imagination are the driving forces behind creativity and innovation. By nurturing these qualities, children are better equipped to come up with new ideas, solutions, and innovative thinking.
  • In today’s rapidly changing world, adaptability is one of the keys to success. Curiosity and imagination enable and support children to explore different perspectives, adapt to new situations, and think outside the box, preparing them for the uncertainties of the future.
  • Curiosity encourages children to ask questions and seek to understand the world around them, including different cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. This fosters empathy and tolerance, leading to a more inclusive and harmonious society.
  • Cultivating curiosity and imagination instils a love for lifelong learning. Children who are curious and imaginative are more likely to seek out new knowledge, pursue their interests, and continue learning beyond the classroom.

Teaching children to harness their curiosity and imagination empowers them to become lifelong learners, creative problem solvers, and innovative thinkers, preparing them to thrive in an ever-changing world.


Teaching children to embrace diversity, promote inclusivity, and celebrate individuality is important because: 

  • Understanding and appreciating differences in people cultivates empathy. When children learn to see things from others’ perspectives, they develop empathy, which is crucial for forming meaningful relationships and navigating the complexities of the world.
  • Encouraging respect for diversity and individuality helps children recognize the value in every person, irrespective of their differences. This fosters an environment of mutual respect and understanding, which is essential for peaceful coexistence in society.
  • Teaching children about diversity and inclusivity helps counteract stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. By fostering an inclusive mindset early on, children are less likely to develop biases based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or any other characteristic.
  • In today’s interconnected world, children will interact with people from diverse backgrounds throughout their lives. Learning to embrace diversity prepares them to navigate multicultural environments, whether in their local communities or on a global scale.
  • Celebrating individuality encourages children to express themselves authentically and explore their unique talents and interests. This fosters creativity and innovation as they learn to embrace their own uniqueness and appreciate the diversity of perspectives and ideas around them.
  • Exposing children to diverse perspectives and experiences broadens their worldview and enhances their problem-solving skills. By learning to consider multiple viewpoints and approaches, children become more adaptable and better equipped to tackle complex challenges.

Teaching children to embrace diversity, promote inclusivity, and celebrate individuality not only benefits them personally but also contributes to creating a more harmonious, equitable, and innovative society.


Teaching children to have high expectations to be the best they can be is important because:

  • When children set high expectations for themselves, they push themselves to improve and excel in various aspects of their lives, whether it’s academically and personally. This mindset fosters continuous growth and helps them reach their full potential.
  • Achieving ambitious goals boosts children’s self-esteem and confidence. It shows them that they’re capable of overcoming challenges and succeeding through hard work and perseverance. This confidence extends beyond the specific goal they’ve achieved and permeates into other areas of their lives.
  • High expectations teach children resilience in the face of failure or setbacks. They learn to view obstacles as opportunities for growth rather than reasons to give up. This resilience is a valuable life skill that helps them navigate challenges and bounce back stronger from disappointments.
  • Setting high expectations encourages children to dream big and strive for excellence. It instils in them a sense of ambition and a drive to pursue their passions and goals with dedication and determination. This mindset prepares them for future endeavours and challenges in adulthood.
  • Children with high expectations for themselves can serve as positive role models for their peers, inspiring them to aim higher and work harder. This creates a culture of excellence and motivation within their peer group and community.

Fostering high expectations in children empowers them to become self-motivated, resilient individuals who are equipped to tackle challenges, pursue their dreams, and make meaningful contributions to society.


Building resilience in children is crucial for their overall development and wellbeing because

  • Life is full of challenges, resilience equips children with the ability to bounce back from setbacks, failures, and disappointments. Instead of being overwhelmed by adversity, resilient children are able to adapt and navigate through difficult situations with greater ease.
  • Resilience helps children manage their emotions effectively. Instead of being consumed by negative emotions like fear or anxiety, resilient children can regulate their feelings and maintain a more balanced outlook.
  • Resilient children are better problem solvers. When faced with a challenge, they are more likely to approach it with a proactive mindset, seeking solutions rather than feeling defeated.
  • Resilience encourages healthy risk-taking behaviour. Children who are resilient are more likely to step out of their comfort zones, try new things, and explore their potential, knowing that setbacks are part of the learning process.
  • Successfully overcoming challenges boosts children’s confidence and self-esteem. Each time they navigate through a difficult situation, they become more confident in their abilities to handle future challenges.
  • Resilient children are better placed to have better social skills and healthier relationships. They communicate effectively, empathise with others, and maintain positive connections even during tough times.
  • Resilience is linked to academic success. Children who are resilient are more likely to persist in the face of academic challenges, maintain focus on their goals, and ultimately achieve better academic outcomes.
  • In today’s rapidly changing world, adaptability is a valuable skill. Resilient children are better equipped to adapt to new environments, circumstances, and expectations, which is essential for success in both personal and professional life.
  • Developing resilience in childhood can have long-term benefits for mental health. Resilient individuals are less likely to experience prolonged stress, anxiety, or depression, and they have better overall psychological well-being.

Fostering resilience in children is not just about helping them navigate through the ups and downs of childhood; it’s about preparing them for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter throughout their lives.