Forest School is taught as part of the PE curriculum in Year 4. Classes have regular visits to Queens Wood, where they enjoy hands-on, creative and fulfilling learning opportunities. We also have the occasional hot chocolate!
Forest School is concerned with process rather than an end product. Where bushcraft is about teaching skills or making a ‘thing’, Forest School is about the things people learn along the way. Sessions are regular and long term, so that learning takes place over a period of time. This gives learners the opportunity to develop personal and social skills as well as respect for their natural surroundings.
Forest School offers the chance for holistic learning, i.e. developing many aspects of oneself at the same time. Because of the nature of the activities, children are able to learn about teamwork and communication, and develop skills in a way that is not offered by the classroom environment. It also accepts and caters for the diverse nature of children and their needs.
The Forest School Leader provides an environment (the Forest School site or local woodland) which has been assessed for risks according to the needs and nature of the group. The leader also thinks about the long term impact of the sessions on the environment, i.e. the site and surrounding areas, including access paths.