Coleridge Buddies

We are very proud of our Coleridge Buddies, a group of Year 6 children who each year take on the important role of Peer Mediators.

What are the Coleridge Buddies?

Each year, Year 6 children students apply to become Coleridge Buddies. These children undergo a six-week training programme to equip them with problem-solving skills essential for their role as Peer Mediators.

Role of Coleridge Buddies

The Coleridge Buddies can be found outside during playtimes on both school sites in their bright yellow hi vis vests! The Buddies serve as role models and offering support to their peers who may be feeling upset, lonely, or experiencing friendship issues.

Impact of Being a Coleridge Buddy

Former Coleridge Buddies have shared how the experience has positively influenced them:

“It has made me think about how others think or feel.”

“I feel more confident about resolving problems and making people happy.”

“I’ve learnt to read people’s feelings and help them.”

“I’ve got better at solving friendship problems.”

“I have become more patient and understanding.”

The Value of Coleridge Buddies

Our Coleridge Buddies play a crucial role in creating a safe and inclusive environment for all children at Coleridge. They are an inspiration, fostering an additional sense of security and support in our playgrounds.