School Maps
Click on the images below to find out where your classroom is and what gate you should use for pick up and drop off…

Useful Things to Know
Office Hours and Communication
All school communication takes place through the Parent Hub app, so we recommend that parents download it onto a mobile device. After creating an account, simply tap “Join a School” in the app and enter @ColeridgeN8.
Parent Hub is a FREE app that will help keep you up-to-date with what’s going on in school. You’ll receive messages, pictures, documents and newsletters, all in one handy place.
Visiting hours for the school office are between 8am – 9.30am and 2.30pm – 3.45pm each day. You will not be able to access the office outside of these hours, unless you are collecting your child for an appointment.
However, you may still call (020 8340 3173) or email ( at any time of day.
Parent Staff Association
Our school Parent Staff Association is called Coleridge Families. They run several fundraising and social events throughout the year and are always looking for parents to get involved. Please check out their website to find out more.
If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason, please leave a message with the office, either by calling 020 8340 3173 or by emailing, explaining why they will not be in. This should be done before 9am when the school registers are completed.
Class Reps
Each class has several ‘Class Reps’. These are parents that provide a really useful link between school and other parents in the class, and often help pass on important information and arrange social gatherings. If you are interested in becoming a class rep, please contact Coleridge Families.
School Lunches
For the year 2024-25, school lunches will be free for all children from Reception to Year 6. Special diets can be catered for, and drinking water is always available. Children may bring their own packed lunch from home, which should be brought in a suitable container and should not include chocolate bars, sweets or canned drinks.
If children change from packed lunch to school dinners, or vice versa, we ask that parents inform the school office.
If you are in receipt of certain state benefits, work in the armed services, or have adopted a child from care, then you may qualify for the Pupil Premium Grant. The Pupil Premium Grant entitles your child to free school meals, discounts on school events and priority for a number of extra-curricular clubs. It also provides the school with additional money which we use to offer curriculum support and enrichment opportunities for our children. Some of the benefits currently on offer are:
- Priority access to some before and after-school clubs, such as Go-Kart Club and Science Club.
- Discounts on school trips.
- Free or discounted entry to Coleridge Families events, such as the Fireworks display in November and the Summer Fair in June.
- Curriculum enrichment days, such as the Science Day and the Highgate Maths Masterclasses.
- Free or discounted books and DVDs (subject to availability).
You can find out if your child is eligible for this grant by using this Free School Meal Eligibility Checker on our website. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
Raising Concerns
If you have any concerns about your child, your first point of contact should always be the class teacher. You can email the school office and they will set up a meeting for you, either face to face or over the phone. It is always helpful if you provide a brief outline of what your concern is about before the meeting.
If you feel your concern has not been dealt with in a satisfactory way, you should contact your year team leader. Where necessary, they may refer the issue to either the school SEND team or a member of the Senior Leadership.
Attendance and Punctuality
It is hugely important that children attend school every day and that they always arrive on time.
Whilst we recognise that some absences are necessary, please be aware that prolonged or regular time off school can have a detrimental effect on your child’s education and wellbeing. If we become concerned about your child’s attendance, a member of the Senior Leadership Team may get in touch to discuss the matter further.
The school day starts at 8.50am (infants) and 8.55am (juniors); by this time, children should be sitting at their desks or in their carpet spaces, ready to start the day. For this reason, children should arrive 5 minutes before this time in order to hang-up coats and put their bags away.
Arriving late to school can be disorientating and embarrassing for children. They can miss important information about the day ahead and, if they are more than 5 minutes late, will very likely miss key learning points too. Getting your child into school on time also teaches them good habits around time management and self-organisation.
If you are experiencing specific difficulties in trying to get your child into school, then please get in touch by e-mailing or calling the school office. We may be able to offer additional support or advice.
Volunteering in School
We are always delighted when parents and carers volunteer their time in school. You can do this in a number of ways:
- Read with children on a one-to-one basis;
- Help in art lessons;
- Provide lunchtime supervision;
- Run booster groups (some previous experience is required for this);
- Work in one of our school libraries;
- Help maintain some of our communal areas, such as the allotment or Leavers’ garden.
Please note that parents will not support in their own child’s class, as we have found this provides a better experience for everyone involved.
If you are interested in volunteering in some capacity, please email Louise Foulkes (
School Trips
At the beginning of each year, parents are asked to make a donation to the year group trip fund. This can vary each year, but will be a maximum of £30. Once teachers know how much is in their budget, they book trips up for the year ahead. Any money left over at the end of the year, is rolled over into the following year’s budget.
Parents will be notified of any trips via Parent Hub; permission for trips is assumed unless parents inform us otherwise.
Teachers will often ask for parent volunteers on school trips. They can usually accommodate all offers of help, but on some occasions, where numbers are restricted, teachers may have to allocate spaces in a fair and diplomatic way. Please be aware that parents may also be asked to pay for their own travel and/or entry on some outings.
At the beginning of each year, parents are asked to make a donation to the year group trip fund. This can vary each year, but will be a maximum of £30. Once teachers know how much is in their budget, they book trips up for the year ahead. Any money left over at the end of the year, is rolled over into the following year’s budget.
Parents will be notified of any trips via email; permission for trips is assumed unless parents inform us otherwise.
Teachers will often ask for parent volunteers on school trips. They can usually accommodate all offers of help, but on some occasions, where numbers are restricted, teachers may have to allocate spaces in a fair and diplomatic way. Please be aware that parents may also be asked to pay for their own travel and/or entry on some outings.
Before and After School
The school runs, as well as hosts, a variety of school clubs, both before and after school. Some of these clubs are invite only, others are open to all.
There are several private clubs that use the school grounds which parents can book their child in to. Details about these clubs can be found here. Please note that these clubs are not booked through the school; please use the contact details provided on this webpage.
Fair Play offer before and after school care exclusively for Coleridge children in one of three locations near the school. For more information, please contact Sarah Miller on 07843 694200.
No Dogs Please
Unfortunately, dogs are not permitted on school grounds under any circumstances. We have several children with allergies, so for their safety, we kindly ask that you do not bring dogs onto the school grounds.
Year Group Information
Drop Off and Pick Up
- Morning session:
Drop off: 9am. Please use the large gate on Waverley Road.
Pick up: 12pm. Please use the small gate on Waverley Road (found further along towards Haslemere Road, on your right). - Afternoon session:
Drop off: 12pm. Please use the small gate on Waverley Road (found further along towards Haslemere Road, on your right).
Pick up: 3pm. Please use the large gate on Waverley Road. - Full time hours:
Drop off: 9am. Please use the large gate on Waverley Road.
Pick up: 3pm. Please use the large gate on Waverley Road. - Extended day: (3pm – 6pm)
When collecting your child, please use the small gate on Waverley Road (found further along towards Haslemere Road on your right).
What to Bring
- A water bottle (with their name on). This should be taken home and washed on a regular basis.
- A bag of spare clothes, including underwear and socks. When your child first starts, we recommend supplying enough for 3 changes of clothes. These are in case your child has a toilet accident, or if they get wet or messy whilst playing. Please ensure you put your child’s name on their bag.
- Appropriate outdoor clothing. We open our garden every day so please dress your child appropriately for the weather. Remember to bring a raincoat if it’s raining!
- Velcro or slip-on shoes – please do not send your child in wearing shoes with laces if they cannot tie these themselves.
- The children must not bring in any toys/books/resources from home.
Important Information
- If you are new to the school, please make sure you read the information on our ‘New Parents‘ webpage.
- All communication from the school happens over Parent Hub, so we recommend that you download the app to a mobile phone device. Alternatively, please ensure the school has up-to-date contact information for you. If you find that you are not receiving school correspondence, please get in touch with the office.
- Each week, we upload details of what the children will be learning in school on to Parent Hub.
- It is a good idea to label all items of clothing, including coats. They are much more likely to be returned to you again if they are misplaced.
- All children are provided with a fruit snack and milk each day.
- Lunches. Children who are eligible for the 30 hours provision will need to pay for a school lunch through the school office. If parents choose to top up their 15 hours, a lunch is already included in the cost. Children are also able to bring in their own packed lunch if they prefer.
- If your child has any special medical needs, medicine they need to take at school, or a condition we need to be aware of, please complete the Health Care form. These can be found below. These should be returned to the school office, either by email or by dropping off a paper copy. Please note, it is parents’ responsibility to regularly check and ensure that all medication kept in school/class is in date.
Drop Off and Pick Up
- Children joining Coleridge in Reception do so in a staggered intake; you will have already been emailed about your child’s own start date and time. We understand that this can be difficult for parents to manage, but in our experience, this is the best way to help the children settle into school and for us to get to know them and you quickly.
- Children in RO and RB should use the Waverley Gate for pick up and drop off.
- Children in RR and RP should use the Main Gate East on Crouch End Hill.
- Classrooms doors will open at 8.45am, ready for the day to begin at 8.50am. Parents should ensure their child is dropped off before this time. If your child arrives after this time, they should report to the school office.
- At the end of the school day, lessons will finish at 3.20pm. Please be assured that your child will only be released from the classroom once their teacher has seen that their parent or carer has arrived. For this reason, if your usual pick up arrangements have changed, you will need to notify the teacher in the morning or email the school office.
- If you would like to discuss something with your child’s class teacher, please do not do this at pick up or drop off. Instead, contact the school office and they will arrange a time for you to meet or speak over the phone.
What to Bring
- A change of clothes, just in case. These can be brought in on their first day and left on your child’s pegs.
- A water bottle (with their name on). This should be taken home and washed on a regular basis.
- Each child is assigned a ‘reading day’, which is when their class teacher will change the book/s that they should be reading at home. Please ensure your child has this book in school on the appropriate day.
Important Information
- If you are new to the school, please make sure you read the information on our ‘New Parents‘ webpage.
- All communication from the school happens over Parent Hub, so we recommend that you download the app to a mobile phone device. Alternatively, please ensure the school has up-to-date contact information for you. If you find that you are not receiving school correspondence, please get in touch with the office.
- Each week, we upload details of what the children will be learning in school on to Parent Hub.
- It is a good idea to label all items of clothing, including coats. They are much more likely to be returned to you again if they are misplaced.
- Your child should wear comfortable clothes that, where possible, they are able to take on and off independently (including shoes). Please note that the children have free access to messy resources, including paint and mud, so please bear this in mind when they are getting dressed in the morning!
- All children are provided with a fruit snack and receive a free school meal for lunch. Please keep us informed of any dietary requirements for your child. Children are also able to bring in their own packed lunch if they prefer.
- Children under 5 are entitled to free milk each day in school. Once your child has turned 5, you have the option to order and pay for milk for your child using this website. This will be given to your child at some point during the morning.
- If your child has any special medical needs, medicine they need to take at school, or a condition we need to be aware of, you will need to complete the Health Care form. These can be found at the bottom of this tab. These should be returned to the school office, either by email or by dropping off a paper copy. Please note, it is parents’ responsibility to regularly check and ensure that all medication kept in school/class is in date.
- If you are in receipt of certain state benefits, work in the armed services, or have adopted a child from care, then you may qualify for the Pupil Premium Grant. The Pupil Premium Grant entitles your child to free school meals, discounts on school events and priority for a number of extra-curricular clubs. It also provides the school with additional money which we use to offer curriculum support and enrichment opportunities for our children. Some of the benefits currently on offer are:
– Priority access to some before and after-school clubs, such as Go-Kart Club and Science Club;
– Discounts on school trips;
– Free or discounted entry to Coleridge Families events, such as the Fireworks display in November and the Summer Fair in June;
– Curriculum enrichment days;
– Free or discounted books and DVDs (subject to availability).
You can find out if your child is eligible for this grant by using this Free School Meal Checker on our website. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
Year 1
Drop Off and Pick Up
- Children in 1R and 1B should use the Main Gate East on Crouch End Hill for pick up and drop off. Children in 1O and 1P should use the Haslemere Gate.
- Classrooms doors will open at 8.45am, ready for the day to begin at 8.50am. Parents should ensure their child is dropped off before this time. If your child arrives after this time, they should report to the school office.
- At the end of the school day, lessons will finish at 3.20pm. Please be assured that your child will only be released from the classroom once their teacher has seen that their parent or carer has arrived. For this reason, if your usual pick up arrangements have changed, you will need to notify the teacher in the morning or email the school office.
- If you would like to discuss something with your child’s class teacher, please do not do this at pick up or drop off. Instead, contact the school office and they will arrange a time for you to meet or speak over the phone.
What to Bring
- A water bottle (with their name on). This should be taken home and washed on a regular basis.
- On their PE days, children should come into school already wearing their PE kit. This should include a pair of shorts and/or tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a t-shirt or vest, a sweatshirt or hoodie and suitable footwear. Children with long hair should also have it tied back and no jewellery should be worn (with the exception of stud earrings). Children may have to miss their PE lesson if they are not wearing the appropriate clothing. Please see the specific year group page on the school website to find out when your child’s PE days are.
- Each child is assigned a ‘reading day’, which is when their class teacher will change the book/s that they should be reading at home. Please ensure your child has this book in school on the appropriate day.
Important Information
- If you are new to the school, please make sure you read the information on our ‘New Parents‘ webpage.
- All communication from the school happens over Parent Hub, so we recommend that you download the app to a mobile phone device. Alternatively, please ensure the school has up-to-date contact information for you. If you find that you are not receiving school correspondence, please get in touch with the office.
- Each week, we upload details of what the children will be learning in school on to Parent Hub.
- It is a good idea to label all items of clothing, including coats. They are much more likely to be returned to you again if they are misplaced.
- Your child should wear comfortable clothes that, where possible, they are able to take on and off independently (including shoes). Please only allow your child to wear footwear with shoe laces if they are able to tie these up themselves.
- All children are provided with a fruit snack each day and are entitled to a free hot meal for lunch. Please keep us informed of any dietary requirements for your child. Children are also able to bring in their own packed lunch if they prefer.
- You have the option to order and pay for milk for your child using this website. This will be given to your child at some point during the morning.
- If your child has any special medical needs, medicine they need to take at school, or a condition we need to be aware of, please complete the Health Care form. These can be found below. These should be returned to the school office, either by email or by dropping off a paper copy. Please note, it is parents’ responsibility to regularly check and ensure that all medication kept in school/class is in date.
- If you are in receipt of certain state benefits, work in the armed services, or have adopted a child from care, then you may qualify for the Pupil Premium Grant. The Pupil Premium Grant entitles your child to free school meals, discounts on school events and priority for a number of extra-curricular clubs. It also provides the school with additional money which we use to offer curriculum support and enrichment opportunities for our children. Some of the benefits currently on offer are:
– Priority access to some before and after-school clubs, such as Go-Kart Club and Science Club;
– Discounts on school trips;
– Free or discounted entry to Coleridge Families events, such as the Fireworks display in November and the Summer Fair in June;
– Curriculum enrichment days;
– Free or discounted books and DVDs (subject to availability).
You can find out if your child is eligible for this grant by using this Free School Meal Checker on our website. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
Year 2
Drop Off and Pick Up
- 2P and 2R should use the Haslemere Gate for drop off and pick up. In the mornings, both classes should be dropped at Meeting Point A (see map above), where a Year 2 member of staff will be waiting for them. At the end of the school day, both classes will be brought into the Haslemere Playground – please see the school map above to identify the specific collection point for your child’s class.
- 2B and 2O should use the Waverley Gate for drop off and pick up. In the mornings, both classes should be dropped at Meeting Point B (see map above), where a Year 2 member of staff will be waiting for them. At the end of the school day, both classes will be brought into the Crouch End Hill Playground – please see the school map above to identify the specific collection point for your class.
- Classrooms doors will open at 8.45am, ready for the day to begin at 8.50am. Parents should ensure their child is dropped off before this time. If your child arrives after this time, they should report to the school office.
- At the end of the school day, lessons will finish at 3.20pm. Please be assured that your child will only be released from the classroom once their teacher has seen that their parent or carer has arrived. For this reason, if your usual pick up arrangements have changed, you will need to notify the teacher in the morning or email the school office.
- If you would like to discuss something with your child’s class teacher, please do not do this at pick up or drop off. Instead, contact the school office and they will arrange a time for you to meet or speak over the phone.
What to Bring
- A water bottle (with their name on). This should be taken home and washed on a regular basis.
- On their PE days, children should come into school already wearing their PE kit. This should include a pair of shorts and/or tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a t-shirt or vest, a sweatshirt or hoodie and suitable footwear. Children with long hair should also have it tied back and no jewellery should be worn (with the exception of stud earrings). Children may have to miss their PE lesson if they are not wearing appropriate clothing. Please see the specific year group page on the website to find out when your child’s PE days are.
- Each child is assigned a ‘reading day’, which is when their class teacher will change the book/s that they should be reading at home. Please ensure your child has this book in school on the appropriate day.
Important Information
- If you are new to the school, please make sure you read the information on our ‘New Parents‘ webpage.
- All communication from the school happens over Parent Hub, so we recommend that you download the app to a mobile phone device. Alternatively, please ensure the school has up-to-date contact information for you. If you find that you are not receiving school correspondence, please get in touch with the office.
- Each week, we upload details of what the children will be learning in school on to Parent Hub.
- It is a good idea to label all items of clothing, including coats. They are much more likely to be returned to you again if they are misplaced.
- Your child should wear comfortable clothes that, where possible, they are able to take on and off independently (including shoes). Please only allow your child to wear footwear with shoe laces if they are able to tie these up themselves.
- All children are provided with a fruit snack each day and are entitled to a free hot meal for lunch. Please keep us informed of any dietary requirements for your child. Children are also able to bring in their own packed lunch if they prefer.
- You have the option to order and pay for milk for your child using this website. This will be given to your child at some point during the morning.
- If your child has any special medical needs, medicine they need to take at school, or a condition we need to be aware of, please complete the Health Care form. These can be found below. These should be returned to the school office, either by email or by dropping off a paper copy. Please note, it is parents’ responsibility to regularly check and ensure that all medication kept in school/class is in date.
- If you are in receipt of certain state benefits, work in the armed services, or have adopted a child from care, then you may qualify for the Pupil Premium Grant. The Pupil Premium Grant entitles your child to free school meals, discounts on school events and priority for a number of extra-curricular clubs. It also provides the school with additional money which we use to offer curriculum support and enrichment opportunities for our children. Some of the benefits currently on offer are:
– Priority access to some before and after-school clubs, such as Go-Kart Club and Science Club;
– Discounts on school trips;
– Free or discounted entry to Coleridge Families events, such as the Fireworks display in November and the Summer Fair in June;
– Curriculum enrichment days;
– Free or discounted books and DVDs (subject to availability).
You can find out if your child is eligible for this grant by using this Free School Meal Checker on our website. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
Year 3
Drop Off and Pick Up
- Please see the maps above to find where your child should be picked up and dropped off.
- Classroom doors will opened at 8.50am, ready for the school day to start at 8.55am; by this time, children should be sitting at their desks or in their carpet spaces, ready to start the day. If your child arrives after this time, they should report to the school office.
- Please collect your child from outside their classroom at the end of the school day (3.25pm).
- If you would like to discuss something with your child’s class teacher, please do not do this at pick up or drop off. Instead, contact the school office and they will arrange a time for you to meet or speak over the phone.
What to Bring
- A water bottle (with their name on). Children should only have plain water in their water bottles, not sugary, flavoured water or juice. This should be taken home and washed on a regular basis.
- On their PE days, children should come into school already wearing their PE kit. This should include a pair of shorts and/or tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a t-shirt or vest, a sweatshirt or hoodie and suitable footwear. Children with long hair should also have it tied back and no jewellery should be worn (with the exception of stud earrings). Children may have to miss their PE lesson if they are not wearing appropriate clothing. Please see the appropriate year group page on the website to find out when your child’s PE days are.
- A healthy snack .This should be fruit, or chopped vegetables, NOT sugary cereal bars, crisps or biscuits.
- Their reading book – this should be in school every day, ideally in a bag.
Important Information
- If you are new to the school, please make sure you read the information on our ‘New Parents‘ webpage.
- All communication from the school happens over Parent Hub, so we recommend that you download the app to a mobile phone device. Alternatively, please ensure the school has up-to-date contact information for you. If you find that you are not receiving school correspondence, please get in touch with the office.
- Each week, we upload details of what the children will be learning in school on to Parent Hub.
- Children will be given spellings to learn every week. These will be uploaded onto Parent Hub for you to access at home.
- It is a good idea to label all items of clothing, including coats. They are much more likely to be returned to you again if they are misplaced.
- If your child has any special medical needs, medicine they need to take at school, or a condition we need to be aware of, please complete the Health Care form. These can be found below. These should be returned to the school office, either by email or by dropping off a paper copy. Please note, it is parents’ responsibility to regularly check and ensure that all medication kept in school/class is in date.
- You have the option to order and pay for milk for your child using this website. This will be given to your child at lunchtime.
- If you are in receipt of certain state benefits, work in the armed services, or have adopted a child from care, then you may qualify for the Pupil Premium Grant. The Pupil Premium Grant entitles your child to free school meals, discounts on school events and priority for a number of extra-curricular clubs. It also provides the school with additional money which we use to offer curriculum support and enrichment opportunities for our children. Some of the benefits currently on offer are:
– Priority access to some before and after-school clubs, such as Go-Kart Club and Science Club;
– Discounts on school trips;
– Free or discounted entry to Coleridge Families events, such as the Fireworks display in November and the Summer Fair in June;
– Curriculum enrichment days;
– Free or discounted books and DVDs (subject to availability).
You can find out if your child is eligible for this grant by using this Free School Meal Checker on our website. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
Year 4
Drop Off and Pick Up
- Please see the maps above to find where your child should be picked up and dropped off.
- Classroom doors will opened at 8.50am, ready for the school day to start at 8.55am; by this time, children should be sitting at their desks or in their carpet spaces, ready to start the day. If your child arrives after this time, they should report to the school office.
- Children in 4R and 4O should enter their classrooms via the door at ‘Meeting Point A‘. This is also where these classes should be collected at the end of the day (3.25pm).
- 4B and 4P should enter their classes via the west hall near the library. The children should be collected from ‘Meeting Point B‘ at the end of the school day (3.25pm).
- If you would like to discuss something with your child’s class teacher, please do not do this at pick up or drop off. Instead, contact the school office and they will arrange a time for you to meet or speak over the phone.
What to Bring
- A water bottle (with their name on). Children should only have plain water in their water bottles, not sugary, flavoured water or juice. This should be taken home and washed on a regular basis.
- On their PE days, children should come into school already wearing their PE kit. This should include a pair of shorts and/or tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a t-shirt or vest, a sweatshirt or hoodie, and suitable footwear. Children with long hair should also have it tied back and no jewellery should be worn (with the exception of stud earrings). Children may have to miss their PE lesson if they are not wearing appropriate clothing. Please see the appropriate year group page on the website to find out when your child’s PE days are.
- A healthy snack. This should be fruit, or chopped vegetables, NOT sugary cereal bars, crisps or biscuits.
- Their reading book – this should be in school every day, ideally in a bag.
Important Information
- If you are new to the school, please make sure you read the information on our ‘New Parents‘ webpage.
- All communication from the school happens over Parent Hub, so we recommend that you download the app to a mobile phone device. Alternatively, please ensure the school has up-to-date contact information for you. If you find that you are not receiving school correspondence, please get in touch with the office.
- Each week, we upload details of what the children will be learning in school on to Parent Hub.
- Children will be given spellings to learn every week. These will be uploaded onto Parent Hub for you to access at home.
- It is a good idea to label all items of clothing, including coats. They are much more likely to be returned to you again if they are misplaced.
- If your child has any special medical needs, medicine they need to take at school, or a condition we need to be aware of, please complete the Health Care form. These can be found below. These should be returned to the school office, either by email or by dropping off a paper copy. Please note, it is parents’ responsibility to regularly check and ensure that all medication kept in school/class is in date.
- You have the option to order and pay for milk for your child using this website. This will be given to your child at lunchtime.
- If you are in receipt of certain state benefits, work in the armed services, or have adopted a child from care, then you may qualify for the Pupil Premium Grant. The Pupil Premium Grant entitles your child to free school meals, discounts on school events and priority for a number of extra-curricular clubs. It also provides the school with additional money which we use to offer curriculum support and enrichment opportunities for our children. Some of the benefits currently on offer are:
– Priority access to some before and after-school clubs, such as Go-Kart Club and Science Club;
– Discounts on school trips;
– Free or discounted entry to Coleridge Families events, such as the Fireworks display in November and the Summer Fair in June;
– Curriculum enrichment days;
– Free or discounted books and DVDs (subject to availability).
You can find out if your child is eligible for this grant by using this Free School Meal Checker on our website. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
Year 5
Drop Off and Pick Up
- Please see the maps above to find where your child should be picked up and dropped off.
- Classroom doors will opened at 8.50am, ready for the school day to start at 8.55am; by this time, children should be sitting at their desks or in their carpet spaces, ready to start the day. If your child arrives after this time, they should report to the school office.
- The school day finishes at 3.25pm and parents should collect their child from outside of their classroom.
- If you would like your child to make their way to and from school independently, please email the school office to confirm that you give permission for them to do so.
- If you would like to discuss something with your child’s class teacher, please do not do this at pick up or drop off. Instead, contact the school office and they will arrange a time for you to meet or speak over the phone.
What to Bring
- A water bottle (with their name on). Children should only have plain water in their water bottles, not sugary, flavoured water or juice. This should be taken home and washed on a regular basis.
- On their PE days, children should come into school already wearing their PE kit. This should include a pair of shorts and/or tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a t-shirt or vest, a sweatshirt or hoodie, and suitable footwear. Children with long hair should also have it tied back and no jewellery should be worn (with the exception of stud earrings). Children may have to miss their PE lesson if they are not wearing appropriate clothing. Please see the appropriate year group page on the website to find out when your child’s PE days are.
- A healthy snack. This should be fruit, or chopped vegetables, NOT sugary cereal bars, crisps or biscuits.
- Their reading book – this should be in school every day, ideally in a bag.
Important Information
- If you are new to the school, please make sure you read the information on our ‘New Parents‘ webpage.
- All communication from the school happens over Parent Hub, so we recommend that you download the app to a mobile phone device. Alternatively, please ensure the school has up-to-date contact information for you. If you find that you are not receiving school correspondence, please get in touch with the office.
- Children in Year 5 are set, according to ability, across 5 groups in maths. There is a maths lesson every morning. Children are taught by their class teacher for English.
- Each week, we upload details of what the children will be learning in school on to Parent Hub.
- Children will be given spellings to learn every week. These will be uploaded onto Parent Hub for you to access at home.
- It is a good idea to label all items of clothing, including coats. They are much more likely to be returned to you again if they are misplaced.
- If your child has any special medical needs, medicine they need to take at school, or a condition we need to be aware of, please complete the Health Care form. These can be found below. These should be returned to the school office, either by email or by dropping off a paper copy. Please note, it is parents’ responsibility to regularly check and ensure that all medication kept in school/class is in date.
- You have the option to order and pay for milk for your child using this website. This will be given to your child at lunchtime.
- If you are in receipt of certain state benefits, work in the armed services, or have adopted a child from care, then you may qualify for the Pupil Premium Grant. The Pupil Premium Grant entitles your child to free school meals, discounts on school events and priority for a number of extra-curricular clubs. It also provides the school with additional money which we use to offer curriculum support and enrichment opportunities for our children. Some of the benefits currently on offer are:
– Priority access to some before and after-school clubs, such as Go-Kart Club and Science Club;
– Discounts on school trips;
– Free or discounted entry to Coleridge Families events, such as the Fireworks display in November and the Summer Fair in June;
– Curriculum enrichment days;
– Free or discounted books and DVDs (subject to availability).
You can find out if your child is eligible for this grant by using this Free School Meal Checker on our website. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
Year 6
Drop Off and Pick Up
- Please see the maps above to find where your child should be picked up and dropped off.
- Classroom doors will opened at 8.50am, ready for the school day to start at 8.55am; by this time, children should be sitting at their desks or in their carpet spaces, ready to start the day. If your child arrives after this time, they should report to the school office.
- The school day finishes at 3.25pm and parents should collect their child from outside of their classroom.
- If you would like your child to make their way to and from school independently, please email the school office to confirm that you give permission for them to do so.
- If you would like to discuss something with your child’s class teacher, please do not do this at pick up or drop off. Instead, contact the school office and they will arrange a time for you to meet or speak over the phone.
What to Bring
- A water bottle (with their name on). Children should only have plain water in their water bottles, not sugary, flavoured water or juice. This should be taken home and washed on a regular basis.
- On their PE days, children should come into school already wearing their PE kit. This should include a pair of shorts and/or tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a t-shirt or vest, a sweatshirt or hoodie, and suitable footwear. Children with long hair should also have it tied back and no jewellery should be worn (with the exception of stud earrings). Children may have to miss their PE lesson if they are not wearing appropriate clothing. Please see the specific year group page on the website to find out when your child’s PE days are.
- A healthy snack. This should be fruit, or chopped vegetables, NOT sugary cereal bars, crisps or biscuits.
- Their reading book – this should be in school every day, ideally in a bag.
Important Information
- If you are new to the school, please make sure you read the information on our ‘New Parents‘ webpage.
- All communication from the school happens over Parent Hub, so we recommend that you download the app to a mobile phone device. Alternatively, please ensure the school has up-to-date contact information for you. If you find that you are not receiving school correspondence, please get in touch with the office.
- Children in Year 6 are set, according to ability, across 5 groups in maths and 4 groups in English. There are English and maths lessons every morning.
- Each week, we upload details of what the children will be learning in school on to Parent Hub.
- Children will be given spellings to learn every week. These will be uploaded onto Parent Hub for you to access at home.
- It is a good idea to label all items of clothing, including coats. They are much more likely to be returned to you again if they are misplaced.
- If your child has any special medical needs, medicine they need to take at school, or a condition we need to be aware of, please complete the Health Care form. These can be found below. These should be returned to the school office, either by email or by dropping off a paper copy. Please note, it is parents’ responsibility to regularly check and ensure that all medication kept in school/class is in date.
- You have the option to order and pay for milk for your child using this website. This will be given to your child at lunchtime.
- If you are in receipt of certain state benefits, work in the armed services, or have adopted a child from care, then you may qualify for the Pupil Premium Grant. The Pupil Premium Grant entitles your child to free school meals, discounts on school events and priority for a number of extra-curricular clubs. It also provides the school with additional money which we use to offer curriculum support and enrichment opportunities for our children. Some of the benefits currently on offer are:
– Priority access to some before and after-school clubs, such as Go-Kart Club and Science Club;
– Discounts on school trips;
– Free or discounted entry to Coleridge Families events, such as the Fireworks display in November and the Summer Fair in June;
– Curriculum enrichment days;
– Free or discounted books and DVDs (subject to availability).
You can find out if your child is eligible for this grant by using this Free School Meal Checker on our website. It only takes a few minutes to complete.