Our Governors

Our current governing body, their roles, and responsibilities

Our governing body is made up of both elected and appointed members. Parent governors are elected by a ballot of parents and carers at the school, whilst staff governors are elected by a ballot of school staff. Co-opted governors are appointed by a vote of the governing body on the basis of the skills they can bring. As a maintained school, we also have an LA representative governor who is nominated by the local authority, but appointed by the governing body.

We sometimes also vote to appoint associate members. They are not governors, but are invited to sit on the governing body because they have specific skills. They cannot vote at governing body meetings.

NameCategoryAppointedTerm of OfficeAppointed By
Debby Kuypers
Co-opted Governor10-11-2109-11-25GB
Richard Holmes
Co-opted Governor02-02-2201-02-26GB
Morinade AkinbobolaAssociate Member02-12-2401-12-25GB
Sarah BoffeyParent Governor03-02-2502-02-29Parent ballot
Ian ChapmanParent Governor03-02-2502-02-29Parent ballot
Leon ChouekeHeadteacher GovernorN/AN/AN/A
Andrena EminCo-opted Governor05-02-2404-02-28GB
Jean-Michel Garcia-AlvarezCo-opted Governor11-02-2110-02-25GB
Melian Mansfield MBELA Representative Governor20-01-2219-01-26LA
Ben MillerAssociate Member21-05-2421-05-25GB
Becca MonahanCo-opted Governor17-11-2217-11-26GB
Kirsten SchmidtStaff Governor05-02-2404-02-28Staff ballot
Claudia Simms AbramAssociate Member03-02-2502-02-26GB
Nomi TysmanCo-opted Governor02-12-2401-12-28GB
Michael WangCo-opted Governor03-02-2502-02-29GB
Eddie WebbAssociate Member02-12-2401-12-25GB

Past Governors (Previous 12 Months)

NameCategoryAppointedTerm of OfficeAppointed by
Darren HeathAssociate Member05-02-2404-02-25GB


Our Chair of Governors is Debby Kuypers, and she can be contacted at chair@coleridgeprimary.net

Governor Responsibilities

Area of responsibilityLink Governor
SDP (School Development Plan) Priorities 2023/24:
Behaviour + Attitudes
(Developing Self Regulation)
Morinade Akinbobola / Nomi Tysman / Claudia Simms Abrahm
Quality of EducationBecca Monahan / Jean Michel Garcia-Alvarez
Personal Development
(Being an Actively Anti Racist School)
Morinade Akinbobola / Eddie Webb /
Melian Mansfield / Andrena Emin
Leadership and ManagementDebby Kuypers / Richard Holmes
Other Areas for Monitoring:
Child Protection and SafeguardingNomi Tysman (Lead)
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)Andrena Emin (Lead) / Morinade Akinbobola / Melian Mansfield
Coleridge FamiliesBecca Monahan
Health & SafetyDebby Kuypers
Policy ReviewTBC

Committees and Working Groups

Pay CommitteeJean-Michel Garcia-Alvarez (Chair)
Leon Choueke
Richard Holmes
Debby Kuypers
Eddie Webb
Head Teacher Review PanelRichard Holmes (Chair)
Jean-Michel Garcia-Alvarez
Debby Kuypers
Eddie Webb
Finance Working PartyMorinade Akinbobola
Leon Choueke
Jean-Michel Garcia-Alvarez
Richard Holmes
Debby Kuypers
Becca Monahan
Ben Strange (Deputy Head) (Attendance)
Harriet Weeden (Finance Manager) (Attendance)

Governors’ Attendance Record

View a list of governing body meetings for this year

Governors’ Declaration of Interests

Governors are required to declare any business and financial interests they have in the school, and if they have any personal relationships with school staff. They are also required to declare if they are a governor at any other educational institution.

View details of our governors’ declared interests

Governors’ Declared Interests

Governing Body Diversity Data

When surveyed in May 2024, our governing body displayed the diversity characteristics shown in the table below.

Gender62% Female / 38% Male
Age8% below 40, 75% between 40-60, 17% over 60
Disability38% have a disability, but do not require additional support
62% do not have a disability
Ethnic Group8% white and black African
17% Caribbean
37% white British
38% white European
Distance from School46% less than 1 mile, 38% within 2-5miles
School Parent or Carers68% currently have a child / children of school age
School Attended66% state funded in the UK / 34% schooled outside the UK
 LGBTQ+ is represented on the board
Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity and Judaism are represented on the board
The majority of the board attended Higher Education
Experience of the care system is represented on the board
Free school meal experience is represented on the board