On 11th November, our Headteacher Leon Choueke will be undertaking a 10km marathon swim in the Olympic pool in Stratford, to raise money to support the work we do looking after the emotional wellbeing of our children and families. We are so proud of our wellbeing offer here at Coleridge, and we see the impact this work has on a daily basis; as we all know, if children are not emotionally secure and happy, it prevents them from reaching their true potential.
Sadly, it is becoming increasingly challenging to fund this work, as school budgets become more and more stretched. He has therefore decided to take matters into his own hands and try to raise additional funds to enhance and protect what we do at Coleridge.
In particular, any money raised will be to pay for a new initiative we would like to introduce, called ‘Sports for Thought.’ This is a sports oriented, therapeutic group for boys and girls, which helps them to navigate issues that arise when playing competitive games, such as losing, cooperation, teamwork – issues that are also often replicated in their school and home life.
You can donate using the link below.
Thank you for your support.