In the Juniors this week, we were fortunate enough to have a really inspiring visit from award winning author Claire Linney!
Claire discussed her journey to writing her time-travel adventure series, ‘Time Tub Travellers’, and shared some really clear, practical tips for children wanting to write their own time-travel story. Claire also emphasised the important role of reading in the journey to becoming a writer (we teachers couldn’t agree more!).
Claire also shared engaging information about Tudor London; the setting of her first time-travel book. We learnt some really interesting (and some rather disgusting!) facts about the time. Claire is passionate about stories that bring Black British History alive for children, and in connection to her first book, Claire talked about ‘Reasonable Blackman’, a silk weaver in Tudor Southwark. Claire’s next book in the series is set in Victorian London; she told us about real-life Black British figure – Pablo Fanque, the first recorded Black British circus owner. He will feature in her characters’ next time-travelling adventure – “Time Travellers Circus Mystery”!