As you may know, in Nursery and Reception we use a programme called ‘2Build a Profile’ on an iPad to take photographs and make notes about each child. These observations form a profile of each child which allows us to assess their development and plan for their next steps in all areas of learning.
We have recently bought into a feature of 2Build a Profile called Parent Share. This will allow us to share our observations of your child with you via email, and for you to respond and add to your child’s profile too, helping us to form a clear picture of your child as a learner both in and out of school.
Every half term your child will have a focus week. During this week, we will be spending particular time observing your child, taking photographs and making notes about their learning. We will then send you an email which contains some of these observations. This is very much a snapshot of your child’s time with us and so will provide a small insight for you about what they are doing independently during their time in school. We will, of course, be working with your child every day throughout the other weeks too.
Focus week dates will be displayed on the classroom information board. Please check when your child’s week will be so that you know to look out for an email from 2build a Profile towards the end of that week.
To get started with Parent Share, we need to ensure we have the correct email address for you. You should have received a letter with a slip to return, if you could please fill this in and return it to your class teacher by Monday 7th November 2016 (if you have not received the letter, download a copy here). We will then set up Parent Share and you will receive an invitation email from 2Build a Profile. Please make sure you click on the confirmation link to allow 2Build a Profile to send you the emails. Please note there is a maximum of two email addresses per child.
We are very excited about this new way of sharing your child’s achievements with you, and we look forward to working together with you to further our understanding of your child. If you have any questions or concerns about Parent Share, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Yours sincerely,
The Reception team